Businesses pay their employees for one thing . . . RESULTS. It is therefore logical, that Leaders focus on driving results. What I’m about to suggest may be counterintuitive; but, we are in an era where human brilliance and innovation is “the” golden commodity. The era of where the business with the fastest and shiniest technology gets ahead is over. Now anyone with a cell phone can produce an article, a documentary or a new app. The differentiator to accelerate your business is your people. So if you want stellar results, don’t focus on the results, focus on your team.

Once the objective and strategy are crystal clear, then true transformational leadership begins. While continuously supporting your team along the way, focus on their unique attributes, their motivating triggers and their needs to succeed. As Joseph Folkman of Forbes Magazine says: Leaders who inspire employees can unleash an energy within people to do their best work. It isn’t about pushing people, it’s about pulling them.” Here are 6 key criteria to inspire your team to their peak performance.

6 Key Criteria to Results:


When delegating or initiating a project, ensure they see the pathway to success. Communicate with your words and attitude that you have confidence in them to achieve the objective. Use empowering phrases such as, “You are the perfect person for this project and I trust you completely.”


Every person has a unique set of drivers that catapult them into magnificence. As a leader, you have seen this. Know their motivators, and fulfill them. While some are motivated by recognition, others may be motivated by a new challenge, or an opportunity to use their creativity.


Most managers, make a mistake here. When communicating an objective they focus on the steps and the benefit for the company. While those are essential, the way to motivate someone is to clearly explain “why” there is a benefit for them. By the way, there should always be a benefit.


This is one of the most powerful tools. It is one of the top 5 reasons, employees remain at a company. Be authentic and clear when you remind them of their talents. Be generous about this. It can be done before, during and after the results.


Everyone has a unique combination of strengths. Be very specific when speaking to your employee about the skills you see in him that will help ensure success. For example: “Your innovative thinking is exactly what will make Project X shine. I chose you specifically for this.”


Your role as a leader, many times, is to simply “connect the dots”. They should feel valued and supported every step of the way. My personal definition of leadership is: “Leadership is not about you. Leadership is creating an environment for champions to shine.”

According to Gallup’s 2017 study on Strength Based Employee Development, which included 1.2 million employees across 45 countries, when leaders consistently focus on their employees’ strengths it translates into a profit increase up to 29% and turnover decreases by 72%.Their employees are undoubtedly more engaged.

The secret to topnotch results is this. Don’t focus on results. Inspire your people, results will emerge.

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