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“Kefi” comes from the Greek word meaning ‘passion’  or ‘a way of life’. “Catalyst” is defined as an agent  that provokes or speeds significant change or action.

We are expert catalysts

Cynthia Wrasman
CEO and Chief Catalyst

Founder and Chief Kefi Catalyst, Cynthia is committed to helping CEOs, business owners and executives who are passionate about growing their organizations. She specializes in coaching, training, and developing leaders to create more effective cultures and build high performance teams that generate more profitable results. Cynthia is a Vistage International Approved Speaker.

Sandra Saenz
Senior Catalyst Coach & Consultant

Sandra Saenz is a business performance consultant, certified executive coach, and author. She has designed and delivered leadership, communication, and sales trainings in 32 countries and 3 languages. Her skills stem from supervising 8 countries to owning 5 businesses. Some key clients have included BMW, AT&T, Kraft and General Motors.

Our team of business experts transforms lives, accelerating your growth.

Are you motivated to move forward in your leadership ability? Is your team motivated to improve personally and professionally? Is your business motivated for growth and profitability?

At Kefi Catalyst, we discover, develop, and deliver meaningful results.

I want to express my gratitude for what Kefi has done for myself and Roofing Southwest over the last 3 years. With the coaching you have provided, I feel like I have become a better listener, communicator and overall leader. I have also witnessed employees throughout the company that have matured into better role models and leaders due to their one on one coaching sessions and the group leadership trainings. It has been extremely helpful to provide input for our customized trainings to the variety of groups such as office staff, field employees and production crew. We look forward to our continuing Leadership Academy over the next several years, as we already see positive results in their communication, job related topics and overall morale. I am always looking forward to what you will bring us next.
Andy Clark
Regional Vice President, Roofing Southwest

Let’s talk about your potential for leadership transformation.

We're proud of our strategies and the companies we work with.

We form long-term partnerships with our clients to ensure your continued success.

We focus on your growth and success by staying true to

our vision

To develop leaders and teams integral to the success of high-performance businesses.

our mission

Transforming leaders and their teams to accelerate profitable business growth by creating purpose-driven cultures.

our Values

We approach each of our client interactions with passion, excellence, and servant leadership. We go where you are in the leadership journey, focusing on your strengths, positively loving and guiding you through your growth, and working with you as you break through to the next level of leadership.

Love, Faith, Trust, Excellence, Passion, Growth, and Servant Leadership

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